Heartsaver Instructor Training Course Details and Prerequisites
Thank you for your interest in American Heart Association Heartsaver Instructor Training with CPR Tacoma. To enroll in a class, or view our current schedule click here. The following information outlines course prerequisites, required skill proficiencies, required course materials (which not included in the cost of the class), and how to prepare. To find out more about the time and cost involved with becoming an AHA instructor / AHA Training Site, click here. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions via phone (206-504-3280) or email (cpr@cprseattle.com).
Course Prerequisites
- Current AHA Heartsaver Adult, Child, Infant CPR and First Aid certification card
- Exemplary Heartsaver CPR/AED and first aid skills (see list of skills below)
- Ability to pass the Heartsaver CPR, AED and First Aid written exam
- Instructors are required to join the AHA Instructor Network (use this link) and request alignment with an AHA Training Center. Instructor will have their alignment approved after completing their Instructor Course. CPR Tacoma welcomes those who attend our Instructor Course to align with us. Please speak with any CPR Tacoma staff for details.
Course Monitoring
A CPR Tacoma Training Center Faculty must monitor instructor candidates teaching an actual CPR class before receiving an instructor card. Candidates must enroll in a Heartsaver Course Monitoring Class within 6 months of their instructor course. If the candidate does not complete the course monitoring session within 6 months of completing the instructor training, the instructor course must be taken again. Click here to see upcoming course monitoring dates and to enroll in a session.
Required Instructor Course / Teaching Materials (NOTE: these must be obtained before your course start date)
To order from CPR Tacoma call 206-504-3280 or email cpr@cprseattle.com.
- Heartsaver First Aid CPR/AED Instructor Manual, $55
- Heartsaver First Aid CPR/AED DVD set, $165
- Heartsaver First Aid CPR/AED Student Manual, $16
- Timing Device (AHA Stopwatch or similar device which can be stopped and started without looking at the device), $10
Required Skill Proficiencies
- Lay rescuer adult CPR/AED (Heartsaver CPR/AED)
- Lay rescuer child CPR (Heartsaver CPR/AED)
- Lay rescuer infant CPR (Heartsaver CPR/AED)
- Finding the Problem (Heartsaver First Aid)
- Epi-Pen administration (Heartsaver First Aid)
- Control of severe bleeding (Heartsaver First Aid)
- Glove removal (Heartsaver First Aid)
How to Prepare for the AHA Heartsaver Instructor Course
Practice, practice, practice your skills! The Heartsaver First Aid CPR/AED Instructor Manual contains a skill check-off sheet (pages 39-42) that you will use to evaluate your own students. Skills are explained step by step. Study the skills check list and practice the skills yourself until you have mastered them. You can even practice watching a friend performing the skill and check off the steps they have performed correctly as they do the skill. An additional way to practice is by watching the AHA Heartsaver videos. You can also audit a Heartsaver course by contacting CPR Tacoma. Students who cannot correctly perform these skills at the beginning of the instructor course will not be permitted to continue the course and will be asked to attend the next session.
Read through the entire Heartsaver First Aid CPR/AED Instructor Manual.
Read through the entire Heartsaver First Aid CPR/AED Student Manual.
Read the Program Administration Manual (available on the AHA Instructor Network or by request from CPR Tacoma.
Questions? Feel free to call us at 206-504-3280, or send us an email at cpr@cprseattle.com.