Infant CPR video demonstration
During your American Heart Association Heartsaver adult, child, infant CPR and first aid training at CPR Tacoma, you will learn how to perform infant CPR.
First, make sure the scene is safe.
Next, check for response by shouting and tapping the infant on the foot.
Yell for help.
If someone comes, have them call 911.
If no help arrives, check for normal breathing.
Check for breathing for 5, but no more than 10 seconds.
If there is no normal breathing, place two fingers just below the nipple line on the breast bone.
Deliver your first set of compression making sure to push the chest down at least 1 1/2 inches.
After 30 compressions, administer two breaths to the patient.
Continue giving sets of 30 compressions and two breaths.
After 5 cycles of CPR, or about 2 minutes, call 911.